
Bruin Pantry Volunteer Application


Thank you for your interest in the volunteering with the Bruin Pantry!

For over a year now, student volunteers have been mostly absent from Bruin Pantry operations. WeÔÇÖre hoping to use this pilot program to reintroduce volunteers to the Bruin Pantry, with your help!

The Bruin Pantries help provide food, hygiene items and information on community resources to students, faculty and staff across 4 different locations including Redwood, South City, Jordan, and West Valley campuses. Volunteer opportunities will vary week-to-week based on staffing needs, with shifts predominantly at Redwood, South City, and Jordan campuses. Volunteers primarily help support pantry staff in daily operations such as receiving deliveries, sorting inventory, and assisting pantry users during distributions, but there are always different opportunities for anyone and everyone to get involved!

Please answer the following questions so we can help find the volunteer opportunity that's the best fit for you. There is a link to a sign-up sheet at the end of this application. Please use that link to select the day(s), time(s), and location of your shift. Additional instructions are located on the spreadsheet itself.

A couple quick notes:
- Our volunteer sign-up sheet is in the form of a spreadsheet: each calendar week (Monday -Friday) is listed as a separate "sheet"
- Each week's sheet will be locked Monday afternoon, so we encourage you to sign up for any shifts you want the previous week. Last minute sign-ups will not be recognized by our team.
- Once you've added your name and information, you can report to the pantry at the time you've selected. A staff member or student leader will direct you from there.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to Diya Shah diya.shah@slcc.edu | (801) 957-4693