American Society of Civil Engineers

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation's oldest engineering society. ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society's economic and social engine – the built environment – while protecting and restoring the natural environment.









Members Benefits

Join thousands of ASCE Student Members who are making a difference in the civil engineering professional community while still in college. Student chapters participate in competitions, share resources, and offer lots of educational and networking activities.

This semester, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 12-1pm at the STEM Center, SI 101A

This Chapter aims to attend ASCE's Wasatch Branch Meetings monthly- these lunches are a great way to network and get internships.

We will also strive to attend the ASCE Rocky Mountain Regional Conference for the Concrete Canoe Competition; we may be able to combine with the U of U's ASCE Student Chapter and submit a canoe.

Lastly, we will participate in service opportunities like outreach in high schools and volunteering to help with STEM activities like the State Science Fair

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

Get our newsletter and stay in the loop.


Meeting new students with shared interest

We invite you to join the national Organization.

Scan the code and join ASCE Utah Section

Our Team

Lennie Saing Profile

Lennie Saing

Korin Holden Profile

Korin Holden


Club Constitution

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

of Salt Lake Community College (SLCC); and under the auspices of the Thayne Center for Student Life, Leadership & Community Engagement department.

Article II: Organizational Purpose

The purpose or the mission of this club or organization shall be:

to engage in civil engineering activities, this being structural, geotechnical, transportation, water resources, and environmental in nature. This is accomplished through attending monthly ASCE branch meetings, participating in ASCE competitions, giving service in the community, and taking part in field trips.

Article III: Membership

Membership shall be open to all enrolled students at Salt Lake Community College. If non-student members are allowed to join, no less than 75% of the total club membership will be current SLCC students.

This organization does not exclusion from participation in, denial of benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination, harassment, or prejudicial treatment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, religion, protected veteran status, expression of political or personal beliefs outside of the workplace, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state, or local law.

Student groups and organizations may be held collectively responsible when violations of the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities by those associated with the group or organization have received consent or encouragement of the group or organization or of the club's or organization's leaders or officers.

All members are free to leave and disassociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or intimidation and harassment, where everyone is treated with respect, dignity, and courtesy.

Subject to review by the advisor, the officers of ASCE shall have the power to suspend or expel any member for non-attendance of meetings without a valid excuse, or for conduct unbecoming of a member or in violation of the Student Code of Conduct; after due process has been provided.

Article IV: Organization Officers

Officers shall include but are not limited to, a President and Secretary/Treasurer. Each officer shall be a current SLCC student.

The leadership positions and their duties include:


Preside at all regular meetings. Authority to call special meetings. Appoint committees as needed. Attend Inter-Club Council (ICC) meetings. Oversee completion of all required paperwork with the support of the advisor. Represent the organization whenever necessary. Perform other duties required by the office

Vice President:

Oversee the requirements for the national ASCE charter

Treasurer/ Secretary:

Keep an accurate record of meetings – agendas and minutes. Appropriate and disperse all funds of the organization. Maintain accurate membership records. Completes required financial paperwork with the support of the advisor

If a student withdraws before completion of his/her term, the remaining officer and/or advisor will call a meeting and conduct an election within 14 business days to select a replacement. Minutes of this meeting will be kept, and the vote recorded.

Removal of officer may be done through a written request by at least three voting members of the organization submitted to either the President or Treasurer and the advisor. Written notification shall be sent to the officer in question asking the officer to resent at the next meeting and prepared to respond to the removal request. A two-third majority vote is required for the removal of the officer.

Grounds for removal include the inadequate fulfillment of aforementioned duties or the violation of regulations described by institutional policies or any federal, state, or local laws.

Article V: Elections

The advisor and outgoing officers will arrange a meeting during the Spring semester to elect new officers.

Any member may nominate another voting member, including themselves. Nominations may also be made during the election meeting prior to the closing of nominations. Voting will occur by anonymous voting ballot. A majority vote is required to elect an officer.

Article VI: Advisor(s)

All registered student organizations must have at least one advisor who is a full-time faculty or staff member at SLCC.

The advisor(s) will serve as a consultant to members and officers of the organization regarding college policies and procedures and will assist officers to serve effectively.

The advisor(s) is to oversee all financial matters and sign off /approve all required paperwork.

Advisor(s) will uphold the Student Code of Conduct, SLCC policy and procedures, and maintain the role of a Campus Security Authority.

The newly elected officers may select a new advisor(s), or the previous advisor(s) may be asked to continue to serve.

Article VII: Club/Organization Responsibilities

All members recognize that they are part of the SLCC community and that as such, they are subject to all College Rules and procedures and the regulations set forth in the current club manual, College policy and procedures, as well as any applicable federal, state, or city laws. As students, members realize that they represent the college at any time they are involved with official club functions on or off campus and agree to do so in a responsible manner.

Article VIII: Meetings

The organization shall hold regular meetings at least twice a month, at a time and place determined by the organization.

A majority of the memberships shall constitute a quorum (one more than one-half of all members) at all meetings. It is recommended that minutes are recorded at each meeting.

Article IX: Funding

All monies raised through club allocations, dues, donations, or fundraisers are acknowledged as SLCC funds and will be maintained in the club SLCC account. No monies associated with this organization will be held in an account outside the college.

Membership dues shall be $ __none at present_______________ per semester. No member will be denied membership if they are not able to pay dues.

Article X: Affiliations (optional)

This organization is associated with ASCE.

Article XI: Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the quorum.

Amendments to this constitution must be submitted to and approved by the club and organization office before they become effective.

No part of this Constitution may conflict with the SLCC Student Association Constitution, SLCC Student Association Bylaws, SLCC Policy and Procedures, or the Student Code of Conduct.

Article XII: Bylaws

Bylaws may be enacted or amended by a majority vote.

Lennie Saing Profile

Lennie Saing

Korin Holden Profile

Korin Holden


P: 4355909232

American Society of Civil Engineers

4600 South Redwood Road
Salt Lake City UT 84123
United States